Friday, October 03, 2008

VP Debate thoughts

Pretty big debate, eh? 70 million people watched the VP debate, and while a majority said that Biden won, it’s important to look at their goals of the debate.

Biden had two goals: Calm down and don’t attack Sarah Palin.
Palin had two goals: Prove her competence and attack Barack Obama by using facts

I would say that both achieved their two goals for this debate. However, “debate winners” are usually declared using superficialities. As such, I wanted to focus on the actual statements made during the debates, particularly those made by Senator Biden.

Now, we all know that Joe Biden has been in Washington for 35 years, and we know that he’s been on the foreign relations committee for many years as well. I’ll be blunt here, he should have destroyed Gov. Palin in a debate, yet he did not. I believe some of the blame must go to Biden’s fact checkers, because some of the statements he made were not true.

Let's look at four of his statements

1. Dick Cheney is the most dangerous VP of all time.

All I could think of was, Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr. Assassinating Alexander Hamilton, not stepping aside in the Election of 1800, and planning to SECEDE from the Union? These are pretty dangerous things, Senator Biden. Now, this one is not a big deal, but the next three are pretty big.

2. Obama NEVER said that he’d meet with Iran without preconditions.

I guess that’s true, if you don’t count those times when Obama said he’d meet with Iran without preconditions during the Democratic Primary Debates. Sorry, Joe.

3. The Surge won’t work in Afghanistan.

Sure. We shouldn’t use a Surge in Afghanistan. Joe just wants to add more troops, money, equipment, and focus to Afghanistan. Senator Biden, what is a surge then? Perhaps you’re referring to a late 1990s lemon-lime flavored, sugar infested beverage.

4. Finally, I’ve always supported Clean Coal.

"We're not supporting clean coal.” This Direct quote from Biden (September 2008). Enough said.

I’m sure we could find a few more misplaced, misrepresented, or simply inaccurate facts, but in front of 70 million people, let’s stick to the facts, Joe.

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