Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Audacity of Negativity

A new kind of politics. The audacity of hope. Positive messages. No negative advertisements.

These are the slogans that Senator Obama is dedicated to. He certainly says these things enough. In fact, it’s a big reason he defeated Hilary Clinton in the primary.

However, it’s important to look at the facts. Lately, it seems as though the Democrats have been crying foul of the evil Republicans and their vicious ads and their attack machine.

“It’s politics as usual!” cry the Democrats
“It’s Swiftboating all over again” howl the Democrats!
“Change we can believe in is a positive message” yearn the Democrats!

So…who is actually responsible for more negative ads that we’ve been seeing?


It’s Senator Obama!

77% of Obama’s ads are negative, while only 56% of McCain’s are negative.

So, it seems as though Barack’s vision of post-partisanship and positive messaging is simply a load of fresh manure from the heart of Dallas County. In essence, his entire campaign message has been undermined by…the facts.

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