Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate

Last week, President Obama rolled back former President Bush's executive ban on the federal funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

You may have read the CNN Headline: Obama overturns Bush policy on stem cells

Reading the headline alone might make you believe that President Bush was against all stem cell research, which is inaccurate at best, and intentionally deceptive at worst. But I digress.

With strong feelings on both sides of the issue, the mainstream media has been struggling in their reporting of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Unfortunately, this reporting has omitted many important details that are not only important, but critical in the national discourse over the topic.

Josh Brahm over at Right to Life of Central California writes a lengthy response about the details that were left out of various news stories from the past several weeks.

I encourage you take a look at it.

Perhaps my favorite quote.

"Naturally we want to see people afflicted with painful diseases treated or even cured, but IF these embryos are individual living human beings, as science says they are, THEN we should not kill them for their body parts. Of course, if it can be proven scientifically that these embryos are not human beings then I will promptly withdraw my objection and put my full support behind this research."

A bold statement. However, President Obama's insistence of instituting taxpayer funded human embryonic stem cell research was a bold move also.