Thursday, July 31, 2008

Iraq, the Surge, and Obama

John McCain has pinned his entire campaign on the success in Iraq. Fortunately for Senator McCain (politically), there have been many improvements in Iraq in the last year, thanks mainly to the surge in troops authorized by the President. Since the surge began last year, Both Republicans and Democrats agree that there have been many improvements in Iraq.

So, what does Barack Obama think about the surge?

From the New York Times, after finally visiting Iraq:

Beforehand, Mr. Obama said he was “pleased with the progress taking place” in Iraq and said that it was his impression that among Iraqis there was “more optimism about what is
happening. You see the activity taking place, the people in the shops, the traffic on the streets, clearly there’s been an enormous improvement,” he said.

Wonderful! John McCain has been telling you for months, “Go to Iraq, see the progress, you’ll like what you see.” It’s outstanding that Barack Obama sees the steps forward that have been made in Iraq during the surge.

From ABC News

Question: If you had to do it over again, knowing what you know now, would you support the surge?
Obama: "No…because, keep in mind that…” (cut off by host)


Senator Obama will claim that the surge is unsuccessful because political progress has not been made. However, if he had it his way, those nice things that he saw firsthand in Iraq would probably not be happening.

I believe that Barack Obama cannot say the surge is a success because it would score political points for John McCain, while simultaneously underscoring his anti-war rhetoric credentials with the left side of the spectrum. It sure sounds like politics as usual to me.

Come on, Senator Obama. The surge has been a good thing for Iraq. It’s okay to admit it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Iowa - The Republican Candidates for Congress in 2008.

Since we’re on the subject of Congress, here’s a quick rundown of this years congressional elections in Iowa.

Behold: Iowa Congressional Districts

For the House of Representatives:
4th district

Tom Latham is our most excellent representative here in Dallas County. He has always been a great friend to both rural and suburban voters in Dallas County.

1st and 2nd district

Two Democrats, Bruce Braley and Dave Loebsack, came in Congress two years ago as a part of the new Democratic majority. They are among those Democrats who have been very unpopular with the American people for not getting a whole lot done while in the majority.

David Hartsuch and Mariannette Miller-Meeks will be the Republican challengers for these two seats. They both have difficult roads ahead of them because Braley and Loebsack’s incumbency, even in the most unpopular Congress EVER, is a very powerful weapon. Let’s do all we can to support them.

3rd district

60th/128th street is where Dallas County ends and the 3rd district begins. If you’re not a big street name fan, I’ll put in this way. Methodist West is in the 4th district, while Mercy West is in the 3rd district. The 3rd district is where we have Republican Kim Schmett battling against Leonard Boswell, a member of the “Do Nothing” Democratic majority in the House. Many of us in eastern Dallas County probably have friends living in Polk County, i.e. 3rd district. We want to be sure that Kim Schmett gets their vote.

5th district

Steve King has always been a solid conservative voice in the House of Representatives. Let’s make sure it stays that way.

For the Senate

Christopher Reed, a navy veteran will be trying to unseat long time Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin. He has a long road ahead of him and he needs as much help as we can give him.

We should be working hard to ensure that the Democrats in Washington D.C. don’t get another two years to “do nothing.”

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What the Democratic Congress does not want you to know

For quite some time, President George W. Bush has had a low approval rating. In recent polls, only 28-35% of Americans approve of the job that the President is doing. Because of this, Democrats throughout the country use the President against the Republican Party, saying that Bush is one of the most unpopular Presidents ever (which is true…the polls prove it).

Some Democrats have even stated that he is the worst President in the history of this nation, which of course is untrue because no one could approach James Buchanan or John Tyler in this category.

Because of the President’s unpopularity, the Democratic mantra of the last two years has been “Blame Bush.”

For example, you'll hear:

  • It’s Bush’s fault that nothing is getting done to help the people of the United States.
  • Bush does not know how to govern or lead.
  • It’s Bush’s fault that Washington D.C. is not taking care of business.

These are things that you are likely to hear from Democrats in Congress, talking about how THEY are the ones that can get things done to help the American people. Put the Democrats in charge, and the higher gas prices and other issues will be history!

However, the Democrats have a dirty little secret. Since the 2006 elections, the Democrats HAVE been in charge of Congress. That’s right. For nearly 19 months, the Democrats have had the majority in the House, and the majority in the Senate. The Democrats came to power after the 2006 elections by promising to do a better job leading that the Republicans. Unfortunately, it hasn’t gone very well for them. Just ask the average American.

Throughout the left wing, you’ll always hear about Bush’s near record unpopularity. However, the reason that Democrats in Congress are hiding behind Bush’s unpopularity is because they are even MORE unpopular. However, this current Congress blows President Bush out of the water when it comes to unpopularity. Only 9% believe that Congress is doing a good job, which is a record, albeit an abysmal one. Around 30% generally believe the President is doing a good job.

It is the duty of the Congress to make laws that will make our lives better. I really haven’t seen that over the past two years. Again, the problem is rhetoric vs. reality. They promised, but they didn’t deliver.

So what do we do? Well, we here in Dallas County have an opportunity to make a difference. Vote Republican this November, to wrestle control of the Congress away from Democrats. They’ve had nearly two years to demonstrate to America that they can get things done. Judging by the article above, America has made its decision:

  • It’s Bush’s the Democratic Congress’s fault that nothing is getting done to help the people of the United States.
  • Bush The Democratic Congress does not know how to govern or lead.
  • It’s Bush’s the Democratic Congress’s fault that Washington D.C. is not taking care of business.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Middle East trip of Barack Obama

So, here’s the quick background on the big Obama trip to the Middle East.
  1. John McCain makes several trips to the Middle East.
  2. Barack Obama is criticized for not visiting the Middle East for almost three years.
  3. John McCain invites Obama to visit the Middle East with him
  4. Obama refuses the invite, and then sets up a trip on his own, which McCain praises.
  5. Because it is Senator Obama’s first real* trip to the Middle East, the press fawns over him and his trip.

Now, it’s hard to blame the press. Had Obama been to the Middle East many times to scope out what would define his potential presidential foreign policy, it probably would not be news. However, because this was Obama’s first real trip to the made to the Middle East, he had the benefit of CBS, NBC, and ABC’s major anchors traveling with him.

Imagine! Your own personal media entourage!

The left side of political spectrum will constantly pout about the media and its bias. But at this point, I think it’s clear where the bias is. When a Presidential candidate takes an important trip abroad, and it gets the sheer amount of attention that Senator Obama is receiving now, there can be no question about where media bias lies.

A running joke on Saturday Night Live has been the media’s huge crush on Obama. Now we see how far it has come. Now we have the most prominent members of news organizations (Katie Couric, Brian Williams, and Charles Gibson) who actually insist on vacationing** to Europe and Asia with Barack.

Clearly the media’s love for Obama has become a whole lot more than just a crush.

*By real, I mean a trip where he, as a presidential candidate, would get a real look as to what struggles the United States faces, and what successes the United States has achieved.

**Of course it’s not a vacation. Actually, I’m very pleased that Senator Obama has chosen to heed the advice of Senator McCain. Any information he receives while over there can only help him gain much needed experience. I do wish him Godspeed on his trip.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday Morning Musings

Just a quick note: Senator Obama has a new campaign plane, a Boeing 757. Here it is:

Actually, that was the original plane, before it was repainted to look like this.

Now, he didn’t get rid of all American flags on the plane. As you can see, he did keep the one above the window. It’s not quite as big as the one he painted over, but its still effort.

Now let me be clear about this. I don’t believe that you need to wear an American flag pin to show patriotism. If Obama wants to replace Old Glory with his own campaign logo on his plane, it’s fine with me. It’s his aircraft, he can do what he wants.

Mostly, I’m curious WHY he chose to do this. From his Democratic opponents in the primary to his Republican opponents now, Senator Obama has been criticized for not being patriotic enough, not caring about the American flag, etc. I simply find it odd that he would choose to do something that will actually increase the likelihood that he’ll be criticized for being unpatriotic. A unique move for the Senator, but hey…it’s got him this far.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Short Political History of Barack Obama

Less than five years ago, no one outside of Chicago, Illinois knew who Barack Obama was. Obama was a state senator. However, considering how far he has come, we know that a series of events have occurred which allowed State Senator Obama to rise to U.S. Senator, and eventually the Democratic nominee for President in 2008.

Five short years. Such an amazingly stratospheric rise in politics hasn’t been seen since Teddy Roosevelt. So, the million dollar question is, “How did he do this?”

Let’s go back to the 2004 Illinois Senate race. His major opponent in the Democratic Primary was Blair Hull, a well known Democrat, who had loads of money, and a large lead in the polls just weeks before the primary. For all intents and purposes, Blair Hull was going to be the nominee. What happened to him?

In the weeks leading up to the primary, supporters of Barack Obama discovered that Hull probably had some skeletons in his closet, in the form of private, sealed divorce records. These records had been sealed for some time, but Obama supporters (among others) worked tirelessly to convince the powers that be to unseal them. In the end, the private records became public, against the wishes of Hull. Sure enough, allegations of Hull abusing his wife emerged. Hull dropped in the polls, and he would eventually lose to Barack Obama in the primary.

With the Democratic nomination in his grasp, Barack Obama turned to his general opponent, the popular Jack Ryan. At this time, Jack Ryan had higher favorability ratings that Obama. However, in a fortunate twist for Obama, a private controversy was swirling around Jack Ryan and his divorce records.

Therefore, supporters of Barack Obama felt that Jack Ryan probably had skeletons in his closet, in the form of private, sealed divorce records. These records had been sealed for some time, but Obama supporters worked tirelessly to convince the judge to unseal them. Jack Ryan attempted to intervene, chanting that “these are PRIVATE records.” However, in the end, the private records became public, exposing Ryan’s poor behavior. Once the decision to release the records had been made, Barack Obama naturally made a statement that he opposed the releasing of these private records. The statement made no difference, because his supporters had already worked to have the records released.

Once released, Jack Ryan was forced to drop out of the race, allowing Barack Obama to soar to election, becoming the junior senator from the great state of Illinois. Thus, the rise of Obama to national politics was complete. So what has been learned?

First, Jack Ryan and Blair Hull are despicable. Nothing excuses them for their rotten behavior. However, do they not have the privilege of privacy?

As for Obama, I think it’s important to see how he rose to prominence in America. Now, I believe that these tactics that his supporters used were pretty unfortunate, but I’m not going to heavily criticize the moves themselves, simply because it’s politics. Politics is a nasty business, and things like this are always going to occur.

What REALLY bothers me is the hypocrisy. For years, Barack Obama has been preaching several ideas:

“A new kind of politics.”
“No personal attacks.”
“Post-Partisan politics.”

Barack Obama holds himself to a higher standard, which sounds great. The ideas that he espouses sound great, and when you hear him talk about rising above the political fray, you say to yourself, “Yeah…I like that. Political attacks really need to go away. He’s so hopeful and enthusiastic.”

However, when you hold yourself to a higher standard, as Senator Obama has done, the public must hold you to a higher standard also. As such, his feet should be held to the fire. In fact, the entire reason that he is known nationally is because of shady tactics in the IL-Senate race four years ago. If his supporters had not pushed for the release of not one, but TWO sets of private records, he would not have become a United States Senator, in all likelihood.

I highlight this in particular because is demonstrates that Barack Obama does NOT transcend politics, as he wishes you to believe. He is NOT beyond political nastiness. Simply stated, Barack Obama is a politician, and let us never forget that. He may preach hope, but I personally hope we don’t believe that he is “beyond the pettiness of politics.” In fact, the pettiness of politics is a major reason the entire world knows his name.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

Undoubtedly, when we think of Barack Obama we think of several things:
1. Change
2. Positive thinking and positive words
3. Youthful enthusiasm and idealism

There is no doubt that Senator Obama has made change the central theme of his entire campaign. And why wouldn’t he? The most recent poll by the Associated Press states that 75% of those polled say that America is headed in the wrong direction. There’s no doubt that a majority of Americans want change. After all, America is fatigued by an economy that isn’t exceptional, an Iraq war which many oppose, and rising gas and food prices.

But the question the most important issue this election season is not just general change. Rather, it is the KIND of change that will occur. Either way, both McCain and Obama will alter the course of the ship of state come January 2009. However, which candidate will lead us into more treacherous waters? To answer that, we ask a very important question: Who exactly is Barack Obama?

First - the common misconceptions. This blog is not about slander, lies, or outrageous statements. As such, Barack Obama is not a Muslim, he is not a terrorist, he is not un-American. Senator Obama is an American citizen just like you and me, and he certainly does not hate this country. However, we will take a hard look at some of his policies, stances, opinions, and speeches to get a better idea as to who this one-term senator from our neighboring state is.

Therefore, let’s get a few facts straight on Barack Obama.

1. Senator Obama is relatively new to national politics, but he is very intelligent.
2. Obama was a professor of constitutional law before he became a state senator in Illinois. He has never served in any branch of the United States military.
3. He was an underdog in two major Illinois elections, and came out on top in both, after his two opponents (Blair Hull and Jack Ryan) were forced to drop out due to scandals in their private lives. (More about these two elections will come later)
4. Due to these victories, he joined the United States Senate in 2005.
5. After two years in the Senate, he put into motion plans to run for President in 2008, eventually defeating Hilary Clinton for the Democratic Nomination.
6. Obama has earned praise from many for his good speeches, powerful words, enthusiastic approach to politics, idealistic policies, and his belief that Washington D.C. can and will be changed under his administration. His entire platform’s foundation is “Change.”

These things have defined Barack Obama, and the senator has emerged as the standard torch bearer for the Democratic Party. But when it comes to Barack Obama, what kind of change does he want? What are his beliefs? What does he advocate, and how will his future policies affect the lives of those living in Dallas County, the state of Iowa, the United States, and the entire world?

The goal of this blog is to demonstrate that while Obama is intelligent, enthusiastic, and excellent at public speaking, he simply does not have enough experience or the right policies to serve as President of the United States. Obama claims to be progressive, or forward moving. Unfortunately, America does need to move forward, but in the right direction.

As this blog expands, we will be looking at the policies of Obama that simply do not align with the needs and wishes of the citizens of Dallas County.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who is John McCain?

Over the course of the campaign, Dallas County residents will be wondering which candidate to choose come November. Certainly both McCain and Obama have advantages and disadvantages in this race. Today, we will be discussing John McCain’s advantages. Over the next few months, the Democratic Party will attempt to define who John McCain is, and who John McCain is not. Let’s get a few facts straight about John McCain.

1. Sen. McCain is a well decorated veteran of the Vietnam War
2. McCain was shot down during his 23rd mission over Vietnam, suffering several broken limbs. He was captured and bayoneted by the North Vietnamese
3. Being the son of a high ranking US military official, he was offered early release, which he refused, because he felt that others should be released before him, and he felt solidarity with his POW companions.
4. For more than five years, he was beaten and tortured in a prison camp in North Vietnam.
5. After his release, he would go on to become a United States Senator for more than 20 years.
6. During his score in the U.S. Senate, he would independently speak his mind and work with many senators from both parties, earning him the respect of most, if not all members of the United States Senate.

Now there will be people, such as Obama supporter Gen. Wesley Clark, who will criticize McCain.

"Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president." (6/29/2008)

Regardless of whether Clark’s statement is true or not, Barack Obama chose not to serve in the military whatsoever. It’s simply unfortunate that an ardent supporter of Barack Obama would imply that Obama’s military experience would equal that of John McCain’s experience in regards to qualifications of Commander-in-Chief.

We here in Dallas County, Iowa appreciate military service. In fact, we honor it. If you’re still not convinced of John McCain’s service, take a few moments to surf and find out what his military career was like, particularly his time in the Hanoi Hilton. After this visit, I hope you’ll realize that this man his served the United States with honor throughout his life. At the very least, his experiences in the military give him insight into military affairs that others simply do not have.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The upcoming months

With the election coming up in less than four months, the people of Iowa will be preparing for a media campaign of epic proportions. As Iowa has generally been considered a swing state, we will be subject to an absurd amount of advertisements on the internet, radio, and television. By the time Election Day rolls around in November, most residents of Dallas County will probably be ready for the election to be over. However, despite the anger that many of us will feel towards anything political come November, we must head to the polls nonetheless. The stakes are too high to remain at home.

The purpose of this blog during the upcoming months is to share insights on this election, particularly regarding the strengths of Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain, and the drawbacks of Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. We have a very important election ahead of us, and while Barack Obama preaches a very happy message, it is John McCain who has the experience, knowledge, and respectability to be the 44th President of the United States.

This blog is not meant to be mean-spirited or denigrating. Unlike many blogs, you will not hear swearing or hateful speech. Rather, it is meant to be pointed criticism of the policies put forth by the Democratic Party and their presidential candidate Barack Obama. It is meant to encourage the voters of Dallas County to vote Republican in November.