Thursday, July 24, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

Undoubtedly, when we think of Barack Obama we think of several things:
1. Change
2. Positive thinking and positive words
3. Youthful enthusiasm and idealism

There is no doubt that Senator Obama has made change the central theme of his entire campaign. And why wouldn’t he? The most recent poll by the Associated Press states that 75% of those polled say that America is headed in the wrong direction. There’s no doubt that a majority of Americans want change. After all, America is fatigued by an economy that isn’t exceptional, an Iraq war which many oppose, and rising gas and food prices.

But the question the most important issue this election season is not just general change. Rather, it is the KIND of change that will occur. Either way, both McCain and Obama will alter the course of the ship of state come January 2009. However, which candidate will lead us into more treacherous waters? To answer that, we ask a very important question: Who exactly is Barack Obama?

First - the common misconceptions. This blog is not about slander, lies, or outrageous statements. As such, Barack Obama is not a Muslim, he is not a terrorist, he is not un-American. Senator Obama is an American citizen just like you and me, and he certainly does not hate this country. However, we will take a hard look at some of his policies, stances, opinions, and speeches to get a better idea as to who this one-term senator from our neighboring state is.

Therefore, let’s get a few facts straight on Barack Obama.

1. Senator Obama is relatively new to national politics, but he is very intelligent.
2. Obama was a professor of constitutional law before he became a state senator in Illinois. He has never served in any branch of the United States military.
3. He was an underdog in two major Illinois elections, and came out on top in both, after his two opponents (Blair Hull and Jack Ryan) were forced to drop out due to scandals in their private lives. (More about these two elections will come later)
4. Due to these victories, he joined the United States Senate in 2005.
5. After two years in the Senate, he put into motion plans to run for President in 2008, eventually defeating Hilary Clinton for the Democratic Nomination.
6. Obama has earned praise from many for his good speeches, powerful words, enthusiastic approach to politics, idealistic policies, and his belief that Washington D.C. can and will be changed under his administration. His entire platform’s foundation is “Change.”

These things have defined Barack Obama, and the senator has emerged as the standard torch bearer for the Democratic Party. But when it comes to Barack Obama, what kind of change does he want? What are his beliefs? What does he advocate, and how will his future policies affect the lives of those living in Dallas County, the state of Iowa, the United States, and the entire world?

The goal of this blog is to demonstrate that while Obama is intelligent, enthusiastic, and excellent at public speaking, he simply does not have enough experience or the right policies to serve as President of the United States. Obama claims to be progressive, or forward moving. Unfortunately, America does need to move forward, but in the right direction.

As this blog expands, we will be looking at the policies of Obama that simply do not align with the needs and wishes of the citizens of Dallas County.

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