Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday Morning Musings

Just a quick note: Senator Obama has a new campaign plane, a Boeing 757. Here it is:

Actually, that was the original plane, before it was repainted to look like this.

Now, he didn’t get rid of all American flags on the plane. As you can see, he did keep the one above the window. It’s not quite as big as the one he painted over, but its still effort.

Now let me be clear about this. I don’t believe that you need to wear an American flag pin to show patriotism. If Obama wants to replace Old Glory with his own campaign logo on his plane, it’s fine with me. It’s his aircraft, he can do what he wants.

Mostly, I’m curious WHY he chose to do this. From his Democratic opponents in the primary to his Republican opponents now, Senator Obama has been criticized for not being patriotic enough, not caring about the American flag, etc. I simply find it odd that he would choose to do something that will actually increase the likelihood that he’ll be criticized for being unpatriotic. A unique move for the Senator, but hey…it’s got him this far.

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