Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What the Democratic Congress does not want you to know

For quite some time, President George W. Bush has had a low approval rating. In recent polls, only 28-35% of Americans approve of the job that the President is doing. Because of this, Democrats throughout the country use the President against the Republican Party, saying that Bush is one of the most unpopular Presidents ever (which is true…the polls prove it).

Some Democrats have even stated that he is the worst President in the history of this nation, which of course is untrue because no one could approach James Buchanan or John Tyler in this category.

Because of the President’s unpopularity, the Democratic mantra of the last two years has been “Blame Bush.”

For example, you'll hear:

  • It’s Bush’s fault that nothing is getting done to help the people of the United States.
  • Bush does not know how to govern or lead.
  • It’s Bush’s fault that Washington D.C. is not taking care of business.

These are things that you are likely to hear from Democrats in Congress, talking about how THEY are the ones that can get things done to help the American people. Put the Democrats in charge, and the higher gas prices and other issues will be history!

However, the Democrats have a dirty little secret. Since the 2006 elections, the Democrats HAVE been in charge of Congress. That’s right. For nearly 19 months, the Democrats have had the majority in the House, and the majority in the Senate. The Democrats came to power after the 2006 elections by promising to do a better job leading that the Republicans. Unfortunately, it hasn’t gone very well for them. Just ask the average American.


Throughout the left wing, you’ll always hear about Bush’s near record unpopularity. However, the reason that Democrats in Congress are hiding behind Bush’s unpopularity is because they are even MORE unpopular. However, this current Congress blows President Bush out of the water when it comes to unpopularity. Only 9% believe that Congress is doing a good job, which is a record, albeit an abysmal one. Around 30% generally believe the President is doing a good job.

It is the duty of the Congress to make laws that will make our lives better. I really haven’t seen that over the past two years. Again, the problem is rhetoric vs. reality. They promised, but they didn’t deliver.

So what do we do? Well, we here in Dallas County have an opportunity to make a difference. Vote Republican this November, to wrestle control of the Congress away from Democrats. They’ve had nearly two years to demonstrate to America that they can get things done. Judging by the article above, America has made its decision:

  • It’s Bush’s the Democratic Congress’s fault that nothing is getting done to help the people of the United States.
  • Bush The Democratic Congress does not know how to govern or lead.
  • It’s Bush’s the Democratic Congress’s fault that Washington D.C. is not taking care of business.


Anonymous said...

Your an Idiot how about from 1995 to 2005 when all the loans were being given out to the people who had no way of paying them back who was in charge then. Isn't congress supposed to be in charge of taking control of this situation. How about the fact that since the Democrats came into congress there was really nothing they could do because of the mess the republicans put us all in. So before you go on ranting and raving about how the Democrats arent doing anything get your facts right and get your head out of your ass. This November vote for Obama and get us the much needed change we need.

ghbraves said...


While I appreciate your candor, I believe that from 1995 to 2001, the President of the United States was one Bill Clinton, a Democrat.

So, I assume you dislike Bill Clinton, because it was he, as well as Republican members of Congress who personally gave out bad loans to consumers. I believe that we can hold the government, banks, and consumers liable for the financial mess that we got into.

As for your timeline...I'm sorry, Joe, but 1995-2005 (with the exception of 2000-01) saw the greatest economic expansion in over a half century.

As for my head, I simply am stating the facts of the matter. Congress is more unpopular than President Bush. The Democrats have controlled the Congress for nearly 2 years.