Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The upcoming months

With the election coming up in less than four months, the people of Iowa will be preparing for a media campaign of epic proportions. As Iowa has generally been considered a swing state, we will be subject to an absurd amount of advertisements on the internet, radio, and television. By the time Election Day rolls around in November, most residents of Dallas County will probably be ready for the election to be over. However, despite the anger that many of us will feel towards anything political come November, we must head to the polls nonetheless. The stakes are too high to remain at home.

The purpose of this blog during the upcoming months is to share insights on this election, particularly regarding the strengths of Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain, and the drawbacks of Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. We have a very important election ahead of us, and while Barack Obama preaches a very happy message, it is John McCain who has the experience, knowledge, and respectability to be the 44th President of the United States.

This blog is not meant to be mean-spirited or denigrating. Unlike many blogs, you will not hear swearing or hateful speech. Rather, it is meant to be pointed criticism of the policies put forth by the Democratic Party and their presidential candidate Barack Obama. It is meant to encourage the voters of Dallas County to vote Republican in November.

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