Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Iowa - The Republican Candidates for Congress in 2008.

Since we’re on the subject of Congress, here’s a quick rundown of this years congressional elections in Iowa.

Behold: Iowa Congressional Districts

For the House of Representatives:
4th district

Tom Latham is our most excellent representative here in Dallas County. He has always been a great friend to both rural and suburban voters in Dallas County.

1st and 2nd district

Two Democrats, Bruce Braley and Dave Loebsack, came in Congress two years ago as a part of the new Democratic majority. They are among those Democrats who have been very unpopular with the American people for not getting a whole lot done while in the majority.

David Hartsuch and Mariannette Miller-Meeks will be the Republican challengers for these two seats. They both have difficult roads ahead of them because Braley and Loebsack’s incumbency, even in the most unpopular Congress EVER, is a very powerful weapon. Let’s do all we can to support them.

3rd district

60th/128th street is where Dallas County ends and the 3rd district begins. If you’re not a big street name fan, I’ll put in this way. Methodist West is in the 4th district, while Mercy West is in the 3rd district. The 3rd district is where we have Republican Kim Schmett battling against Leonard Boswell, a member of the “Do Nothing” Democratic majority in the House. Many of us in eastern Dallas County probably have friends living in Polk County, i.e. 3rd district. We want to be sure that Kim Schmett gets their vote.

5th district

Steve King has always been a solid conservative voice in the House of Representatives. Let’s make sure it stays that way.

For the Senate

Christopher Reed, a navy veteran will be trying to unseat long time Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin. He has a long road ahead of him and he needs as much help as we can give him.

We should be working hard to ensure that the Democrats in Washington D.C. don’t get another two years to “do nothing.”


Torial said...

Seems you believe that any republican is better than any democrat. Schmett is very unimpressive on the social conservative front (doesn't even bother to list it as in issue in his website), and Miller-Meeks is very Leach like. I would contend that having a bad republican in congress is worse than a democrat, because with a democrat, at least the Republican party might just maybe, if a gun is to its head (e.g. no one else rose to the top) support a conservative.

ghbraves said...

It's a good point, torial.

It's a tough call to make. Your contention that a Bad Republican is worse than a Democrat has some serious merit to it. There are bad Republicans in Congress right now, who are wasting money liberally, and disgracing the name Republican with their private affairs, or unfortunate corruption.

These folks ARE bad Republicans.

However, even a moderate-conservative Republican would be able to play a role in stopping what is likely to be a very liberal 111th Congress.

My hope is that the 1st and 2nd swing back to Republicans this year. No candidate can be perfect, but once in office, we can try to hold feet to the fire.