Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Campaign Thoughts

There’s no doubt that Senator Obama has run a better campaign than Senator McCain, thusfar. Fortunately, there is still about a month left to turn it around. It’ll be tough, but McCain needs to do three things:

1. Focus on Florida, Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, and Virginia. If he loses any of these states, the overall Presidential effort is futile. I’d love to think that Republicans in Iowa can get out the vote, but it’s a tough go here. Talk to your friends, make phone calls, knock on doors, and anything else you can to get people to the polls and vote for McCain.

2. Get the message out to the American people that an economy run by the Democrats would be very disastrous. In fact, there’s been an email circulating around, but it bears repeating:

At the beginning of 2007:
  • Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
  • Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
  • The unemployment rate was 4.5%.
  • The DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000 +
However, just months earlier, the Democrats ran on a platform against the President, and they took over Congress, with gusto.

What has happened over the last 18 months since the Democrats have been in charge of the budget, lawmaking, and this country's legislature?

  • Consumer confidence has plummeted
  • Gasoline is now over $3 a gallon...it's only recently come down to this level.
  • Unemployment is up to 5.5%
  • Americans have seen their home equity drop by trillions of dollars and prices are still dropping;
  • Tens of thousands of American homes are in foreclosure.
  • The Dow has reached an even more ridiculous low.
  • $2 trillion dollars has evaporated from their stocks, bonds, and portfolios.

Since Barack Obama is trying to pin this on President Bush and Senator McCain, the McCain campaign really needs to push back against the Democratic Party by saying, “You are culpable!”

3. Finally, deeply drive home the fact that Senator McCain is the most qualified for the job. There’s simply no doubt about it.

Do these three things, and maybe things can turn around. It’s time for a media blitz, but it’s a longshot when even Vegas has you down by a 2:1 margin.

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