Friday, October 10, 2008

What the other side is thinking

One far left blogger has thrown the gauntlet down, making the following statement.

"We're going to win the White House, we're going to win big in the Senate, and we're going to rack up big gains in the House. Republicans know this and are preparing for the worst. Now think of 2004 -- we really thought Kerry was going to pull it off. Remember that? And remember how utterly devastated we were when Bush pulled it off? The pain was so much worse because we expected to win."

So with conservatives bracing for the worse, they won't experience the kind of pain we did. Not unless we deliver a defeat even worse than their worst nightmares. And I'll be honest with you -- I want them to hurt as much as we did. I want their spirits crushed, their backs broken.

So the way we do that is we deliver a defeat worse than they ever imagined. The day after the election, I want to see an electoral battlefield littered with defeated Republicans."

A couple of things about this.

First, the confidence that the far left has going into this election is insane. Keep in mind, these are people that criticized Bill Clinton for not being liberal enough. These are the folks who criticized Hillary Clinton for not being liberal enough. These are the people who are getting ready to explode with excitement that one of their own is being elected President of the United States.

While they have many reasons to be confident, the election is not over yet. I truly believe that McCain can pull this one out. Perhaps I am overly optimistic, but there are still more than 3 weeks until this election. It's not over, yet.

Second, for a "tolerant" left winger, this blogger sure is intolerant....AND HATEFUL. Although, he is right about one thing. As a conservative, I'm AM really frightened, of having my spirit crushed and my back broken...but not by a McCain loss. I fear my back will be broken by excessive taxes, an activist Supreme Court, the erosion of the First and Second Amendments, and, in general, the socialist Obama Administration.

As such, I'll continue to issue the call for volunteerism. Whether it be for city, county, state, or national, I encourage you to lend a hand over the coming 4 weeks. Trust me...we really need all the help we can get. Plus, you'll want to get out and help before you're laid up with a broken back.

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