Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Only Poll That Really Matters

and no one is even talking about it!

Polling companies, including the Rasmussen poll below, have been focusing on the following question.

Would you favor or oppose the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option that people could choose instead of a private health insurance plan?

* Favor 46%
* Oppose 37%

While this appears to be a fair question, seemingly innocuous, it is a flawed question, because it deprives those polled of the reality of the situation.

The CORRECT polling question is below. Fortunately, Rasmussen has been kind enough to ask this question.

Suppose that the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers. Workers would then be covered by the government option. Would you favor or oppose the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option if it encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers?

* Favor 29%
* Oppose 58%

From the Rasmussen article

"The second question asked about the creation of a public option if it encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers. Given that possibility, support for the public option falls to 29%, and opposition rises to 58%.

Even if it encourages employers to drop private health insurance for their workers, 51% of Democrats still support the public option. Eighty-two percent (82%) of Republicans and 61% of voters not affiliated with either party are opposed.

The president has said that no one would be forced to change their insurance coverage if his plan is implemented. However, many analysts have concluded that some employers would drop their private health insurance coverage if the plan is passed, forcing millions of workers to change their coverage."

As I discussed in an earlier post, the public option plan has only one goal. Getting rid of private insurance altogether to replace it with a single-payer system. Don't lie, President Obama. Don't lie, Democrats. We know it's what you actually want. You are tip-toeing around the issue because you don't want us Americans to know what you're REALLY doing.

How do I know that Americans don't want what you want? Let me recopy from above!

Suppose that the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers. Workers would then be covered by the government option. Would you favor or oppose the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option if it encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers?

* Favor 29%
* Oppose 58%

29%. If you've ever thought that the Democrats are being driven to left by the most radical in their party, look no further. Here's your evidence. The Democrats are being driven to the left by 20-something percent of the American people.

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