Tuesday, October 06, 2009

(Lack of) Transparency

In my last post, I was wondering if the Democrats would refuse to post a bill online before a vote. Now we know.

U.S. Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) today issued the following statement after Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee rejected his Transparency Amendment to the "America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009."

Senator Bunning’s amendment would have required that the legislative language and a final and complete cost analysis by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) be made publicly available on the Finance Committee’s website for at least 72 hours before the Finance Committee could vote on final passage of the bill.

The Democrats on the Finance Committee refused to vote aye for this amendment, instead deciding to shoot it down, by a vote of 13-10. I guess the Democrats in Congress don’t want to live up to standard that President Obama set during his campaign.

How is that promise going, Mr. President?


Update on Sunlight Before Signing

“Since a few questions have come in, we want to update you on the President's campaign commitment to introducing more sunlight into the lawmaking process by posting non-emergency legislation online for five days before signing it. This policy will be implemented in full soon; currently we are working through implementation procedures and some initial issues with the congressional calendar.

The President remains committed to bringing more transparency to government, and in this spirit the White House will continue to publish legislation expected to come to his desk online for public comment as it moves through Congress.”

Well, it's been exactly 8 months. Apparently, this particular promise isn't terribly important, especially when the President and his party are trying to get an unpopular "public option" bill through Congress. Hopefully, the President will whip his party into shape so that the American people can get the transparency that they deserve.

As for right now, it looks as though the Democrats are just going to ram this bill through Congress as fast as they can…a bill that less than 30% of Americans support. Great leadership.

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