Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Health Care Reform?

The talk about health care reform is in the air. Now that the Democrats have firm control of the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, they are certainly going to try and get the ball rolling for their health care agenda.

While I disagree with much of this agenda, I feel it’s especially important to understand that this entire debate that we’re about to have is part of a mostly covert strategy (by some folks’ own admission) that is designed to bring about exactly what the Democratic Party desires: socialized medicine within a single-payer health care system. Here's the playbook:

Step 1: Establish that a problem exists
Step 2: Debate several solutions to the problem
Step 3: Create a compromise
Step 4: Laud the compromise as the beginning of a new era
Step 5: Gradually transform the compromise plan into exactly what you wanted in the first place

The compromise in this situation is a public plan, which is what the President has been talking about as of late. He uses many words which are pleasing to some people’s ears: “Competition. Options. Freedom.”

His stated goal as President is to create a government run health care option, so that people can choose either their private plan or choose the new government plan. You have the freedom to choose your plan! Friendly competition! Free markets!

However, the President is very intelligent. Obama realizes that when private companies attempt to compete with the federal government, those companies will lose. I learned a similar lesson from The Shawshank Redemption: Public labor can always undercut private labor.

Because of this, private insurance will cease to exist, and a single payer health care system will emerge. This is the strategy…there’s no doubt about it.

We can debate the merits/fundamental flaws of single payer or the public option (and Congress will be doing this A LOT over the next year). However, I’m not going to talk about this right now. I’m simply here to criticize the Democrats for dishonesty. Watch the following three clips, and you’ll understand better.

Secretary Sebelius simply states that there is no strategy. However, this next clip demonstrates that the President is being disingenuous at best, and deceitful at worst.

Market competition? It’s all part of your strategy, President Obama. Why don’t you just tell us? Senator Feingold (Democrat-Wisconsin) feels free to let us know what’s actually going on.

I mentioned this in an earlier diary about gay marriage, but in general, I will respect those who want to have an honest, open, and genuine debate about issues. We may disagree in every conceivable way, but at least I’ll probably respect you.

I will NOT respect you if you are being untruthful. I find this most disheartening that the President clearly believes in the more radical single payer idea, but he does not want to use his political capital (he’s in the midst of his reelection campaign after all) to support it. Rather, he is stating his support for the more “moderate” idea of the public option, which stands a better chance of passing through Congress and public opinion. However, we all know the eventual goal that he has.

To attempt to stop Democrats from being disingenuous, I've crafted the following letter.

Dear Democrats:

You've been a party for a long time. Since 1828, you've been keeping it real in American politics...except during the times when you haven't had good policies or when you haven't been as honest as you should, such as right now.

If you wish to gain my respect:

  • Keep it real! Say what you mean and mean what you say!
  • Don’t say that you support the moderate public health option, when you really want single payer.
  • Don’t say that you support marriage between a man and a woman, when you really want gay marriage and polygamy (or as you have been calling it, equal marriage for all)
  • Don’t try and trick the public. Stand up for your beliefs! Shout them from the rooftops!

Then and only then, will I respect you. And then and only then, will you find that your ideas might be a little out of the mainstream.



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