Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Morning Musings

As the 2010 elections are merely 18 months away, the campaign for governor will begin shortly. Some might say it has already begun.

As such, we Republicans are looking to ensure that Governor Chet Culver will not be reelected. Fortunately, the tides may be beginning to turn against the governor.

Let’s take a look at the most recent poll from late April.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Chet Culver is doing as Governor?

Approve: 42%
Disapprove: 50%
Net Popularity: -8%

Generally speaking, if you sit below that 50% mark in a poll, you’re in trouble. Culver sits well below that line.

In his defense, the economy is not terribly strong, jobless claims have increased, and some people across the country are saying that this is the next Great Depression. With all of the negative talk that has been permeating this nation, it’s not really that surprising that Iowans feel as though the leadership of this state and nation is problematic. With strong feelings of discontent among Iowans evident, one would expect to see our other three leaders who have been elected statewide to feel the popularity pinch. However, we don’t really see evidence of this.

Let’s take a look at Senator Grassley, Senator Harkin, and President Obama.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Chuck Grassley is doing as Senator?

Approve: 59%
Disapprove: 32%
Net Popularity: +27%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Harkin is doing as Senator?

Approve: 51%
Disapprove: 38%
Net Popularity: +13%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Obama is doing as President?

Approve: 59%
Disapprove: 35%
Net Popularity: +24%

It appears that these three are not as harmed by the economic downturn as our poor governor. It also demonstrates that Senator Grassley remains more popular than Tom Harkin (and President Obama).

Why is this?
I’m guessing it’s because Chuck Grassley is a better United States Senator.

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