Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Speaking of Money

My previous post was regarding the lack of money for Health Care Reform. As we continue talking about this issue, I will continually stress that this country is spiraling into the dark oblivion of debt.

However, this problem is not lost on President Obama. In fact, in the first 1/8 of his presidency, he has made a serious commitment towards cutting down our spending.

How much? Take a look at this video, made by a very creative fiscal conservative.

(**UPDATE** Just so we're clear, the pennies on the table are stacks of five pennies)

After viewing this video, you might realize that Obama is simply reducing our amount of spending from "Insanely, ridiculously ludicrous" to a mere "Insanely ludicrous."

Well done Mr. President. I do appreciate the solid effort, but I firmly believe that we need more pennies taken off that table.

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