Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Health Care Reform Pt. 2

While the discussion continues about Health Care Reform in the Capitol, let's not forget a major problem.

We have no money to pay for this.

Check out the following CNN Article.

"Chairman Max Baucus told reporters that lawmakers still need to come up with $320 billion over the coming decade in taxes to pay for the health care plan."

Great. It looks like President Obama's promise for no new taxes for 95% of the population is going to be broken, barring a major Powerball win for the United States Government.

Perhaps even more concerning is this:

"Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, told the Nevada Democrat that negotiators need more time to write the bill and shouldn't be forced to meet a goal set by Democratic leaders to have the bill off the Senate floor by August 7.

Reid told the lawmakers he would be "flexible" on the time frame, but that he still wants to try to have the bill done by that date, a Reid aide said."

Brilliant, Senator Reid. Let's push it through as quickly as possible!

Again, going back to my previous post: A Republican senator tries to explain that one month is not enough time, and her COMMON SENSE concerns are mostly brushed aside by the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who has to stick to his schedule.

I'm sure than there are many good people working on this problem, but it seems as though Senator Snowe is correct. Overhauling our entire health care system in less than 30 days is the worst idea since government cheese.

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