Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Big Ruling

The simple issue at question was this: Is marriage only between a man and woman?

In Iowa, seven people said no.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Iowa ruled that the Iowa’s existing Defense of Marriage law was unconstitutional. As such, one of the major social questions that permeates American politics has been answered, forcefully I might add, by the seven members of Iowa’s highest court.

One day later, we have heard the celebrations on the left and the statements of disappointment from the right and center. As such, Republicans will begin work to restore traditional marriage to Iowa. And Democrats, will begin side-stepping the issue as much as they can.

Let’s start with the Iowa House and Senate. After reading the joint statement from the Democratic House Speaker Pat Murphy and Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal, I’m rather surprised that they haven’t ever tried to pass a same-sex marriage law in the House and Senate. After all according to them, “Iowa has always been a leader in the area of civil rights.” Then why the wait?

Oh, I know. It’s straight from a Democratic playbook. Sidestep the issue, put it on the backburner, fail to show leadership, and then let the court do the hard work for you. Gronstal and Murphy know that passing such a bill would hurt them at the ballot box. They aren't stupid. But they sure aren’t leaders. Their press statement also asks “why it took so long.” Well, Mike and Pat, clearly you weren’t passionate enough about the issue to use your majority in the legislature to do anything about it, so you should probably blame yourselves. As for your passion, I’m relieved that it’s returned now that the Supreme Court has done your work for you.

What about the other biggest Democrat in Iowa, Senator Harkin? His statement:

"My personal view has been that marriage is between a man and a woman, and I have voted in support of that concept…”

but same-sex marriage is fine with me. I guess I'm having a little trouble with the Senator's logic.

It seems as though Harkin is saying a couple of things here.
  • I don't care for same-sex marriage
  • I know that nearly a super-majority of Iowans do not believe in same-sex marriage
  • Therefore, I have no problem with this ruling.
I've always had a problem with illogical politics. Here's what I think. If you believe in something, and your constituents believe in something, take a stand. However, I don't expect Harkin to follow his heart or his constituents regarding this issue.

Honestly, it is reminiscent of Vice President Biden’s position on abortion.

“My position is that I am personally opposed to abortion…”

but abortion is fine with me. Biden is basically saying two things:
  • I’m pro-life, but that’s just me personally. I’m pro-choice for the other 6.5 billion people on the planet.
  • Abortion is bad, but it should not be illegal. It's not as though you stole $147 from the local gas station.
Note to Harkin, Biden, Gronstal, and Murphy. If you believe in something, do something about it. I know it's odd for me to give advice to the opposition, but I'd rather have a good policy debate with someone who actually believes in themselves and their issue, than with a Eggo waffler.

To conclude, when it comes to the Democrats in this state and in this country dealing with controversial social topics, the popular thing is to sidestep the issue so that they won’t get into trouble at the ballot box.

We’ll see what Governor Culver does in the coming days and weeks as he prepares to sidestep the issue as well.

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