Friday, April 17, 2009

Des Moines Tea Party 4-15-09

Wednesday April 15th, 2009.

On this Tax Day, more than four thousand gathered at State Capital to protest the government’s out of control spending, tax increases, and judicial activism. There were over a dozen American speakers, and not one elected politician speaker. This was a day for everyday Americans to talk amongst ourselves and listen to others speak.

The media was present, trying to make it look as though we were just a bunch of misfits each with our own personal gripe with the government. Not that we all came together against a Government out of control at all levels: State, Federal, and Local. The Government solution is "We just need More Government and all of our problems will be solved." Today, we were saying "NO!" Stop spending our children and grandchildren’s money. Stop taking over our lives. Stop telling us that YOU know what is correct, ignoring the Constitution.

Eighty percent of the people there had never protested or been politically active before. We have lives we want to live and we do not want to take time to protest, but DEMOCRATS have gone too far and many Republicans are not standing and fighting for us. We aren't exactly sure what to do but we’re “mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore," stealing a phrase.

Today, Ronald Reagan’s speeches were played over the loud speakers between live speeches. Making us all wonder: When will we find a true leader for us again? Who will be the Next Reagan to lead us out of the wilderness????

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