Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday Morning Musings

We'll talk some more about the Supreme Court in upcoming posts, but the big news today is:

Sarah Palin:

What should we think about such a unique choice? Here are a few of my thoughts

1. She has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined. Period. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I'll be blunt, it's not a great deal of national experience, but keep in mind that Reagan, Carter, Clinton, and W. Bush were all PRESIDENT, with little national experience, but quality state governing experience.

The Democrats are going to make the argument that Barack Obama has lots of executive experience. After all, he's run a campaign for the past 18 months, making decisions, leading a staff of thousands, etc. So running a campaign means executive government experience?

No it does not, and don't let anyone tell you any differently. Gov. Palin has more executive experience than Barack Obama, and even if she didn't, Palin's not the one running for the chief executive of the United States of America. Senator Obama is.

2. I like that Gov. Palin is an outsider. Senator Obama likes to tell people that he's an outsider too, coming to Washington to change it. When it comes to being a Washington outsider, Senator, you're no Sarah Palin. In fact, with the exception of Hawaii, no one could be geographically MORE of an outsider than Gov. Palin.

3. She's a solid conservative. This is the kind of pick that helps shore up conservatives, but does not alienate moderate women.

4. She's just so likable.

5. I think that Democrats are secretly very concerned about this pick.

Overall, I give McCain's pick a B+.

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