Saturday, August 02, 2008

Saturday Morning Musings

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be hearing a lot from the left about how John McCain is a slave to big oil…how he voted time and time again to give billions in subsidies to oil companies. How very nice of them to point out the votes of John McCain. In fact, the Sierra Club made up a nice little video about it.

$4 billion? Wow! That’s a lot of money! Let’s check the votes of Barack Obama. Certainly he wouldn’t do anything like this. Or would he?

In 2005, Barack Obama voted yes to HR 6, giving $6 billion, (yes, $6 billion) in subsidies to Oil/Gas companies. In fact, check out what Public Citizen had to say about the bill. They say it’s a MASSIVE gift to oil/energy companies ever.

By the way, Public Citizen is the super liberal group founded by perennial Green candidate Ralph Nader.

Whether you agree or not with the subsidies, consistency must be maintained. If the Sierra Club and other liberal conservationist organizations are going to criticize John McCain for his votes, they better criticize Barack Obama too. Let’s not give Senator Obama a(nother) free pass.

Oh, by the way, John McCain voted no on that bill that Senator Obama voted yes on. Perhaps the Sierra Club should create a cute little video criticizing Obama…but we know that won’t happen.


Wow...that was quick. Sure enough, an Obama ad targeting McCain's vote for $4 billion to help oil companies. All I can think of while watching it is $6 billion...$6 billion...$6 billion. Thank you Senator Obama, for helping me prove my point.

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