Monday, November 01, 2010

Final Thoughts

The election is upon us, and it looks as though the Republicans are going to take over the House of Representatives, but just fall short in the US Senate.

However, the question is, how big is this wave election? We'll probably be able to find out by the Congressional races here in Iowa.

If it's a small wave, Leonard Boswell wins in IA-3.
If it's a big wave, Boswell loses in IA-3.
If it's a huge wave, Boswell loses in IA-3 AND Braley loses in IA-1
If it's a ridiculous tsunami, Boswell, Braley, and Loebsack lose in IA-3, IA-1, and even the most liberal IA-2, producing five Republican Congresspersons from the state of Iowa.

Thus, when you're watching returns tomorrow night, be sure to watch these races. They'll give you an idea of how the Republicans will do nationwide.

Also, from the Wall Street Journal.

It took Democrats in the House of Representatives 40 years to become out-of-touch enough to get thrown out of office in 1994. It took 12 years for the Republicans who replaced them to abandon their principles and be repudiated in 2006. Now it appears that the current Democratic majority has lost voter confidence in only four years.

While I disagree with many of Rep. Baird's stances (D-Washington), he makes some very astute points. Republicans would be wise to understand that voters, especially in a down economy are not going to be very patient. As such, if the GOP does take over part or all of Congress, it will be their responsibility to govern wisely.

If they do not, then it will only take 2 years for the GOP to lose voter confidence. At that point, 2012 will be a disaster, as President Obama will be reelected, the Democrats will control Congress yet again, and Obama will nominate another two Supreme Court justices, tipping the balance of justice in favor of liberal interpretation of the United States Constitution.

Yeah...the stakes are that high. We Republicans are about to receive a gift from voters. Let's not squander it.

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