Monday, November 16, 2009

What do the Democrats really want?

This quote from Representative Martin Heinrich, a Democrat from New Mexico, says it all.

“This is an opportunity to do something as big as Social Security.”

I know what he means, but his words reverberate around my head, nonetheless.

“As big as Social Security.”
“As big as Social Security.”
“As big as Social Security.”

How is Social Security doing right now anyway? Why can’t we solve the problem with Social Security and Medicare first? Congress reminds me of the man with two or three unfinished projects around the house, who decides to start yet another project.

Let’s solve the current crisis first. We have a lot of work to do.

This week, the U.S. quietly passed a horrific economic milestone. The United States National Debt now stands at more than 12 trillion…excuse me…$12,000,000,000,000.00.

Here's where the current debt lies.

I encourage you to notice the bottom of the picture…particularly unfunded liabilities, which currently stand at over 100 trillion dollars. So what shall we do with so many unfunded liabilities?

Add another one!

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