The Election of 2008 has concluded, as has 2008 itself. As we enter the final year of the 00s, we’ll be saying goodbye to President Bush, and hello to President Obama. Besides the obvious switch of the political party in control of the White House, we’re going to be seeing several years where the Republican Party is in the Congressional wilderness as well.
One thing is painfully obvious: The Republican Party was crushed in the 2006 elections and soundly defeated in the 2008 elections. As such, we Republicans will begin this year looking to rebuild/rebrand or whatever you want to call what the party will be trying to do in the upcoming year(s). However, this rebuilding should NOT start from the top. We should rebuild from the bottom up. How do we do this exactly? For starters, we need to have superior local organization, among other things. Ultimately, though, we need to be able to communicate our ideas successfully to the citizens of Dallas County, the state of Iowa, and the entire United States. As conservatives, we know our ideas have merit…we know they have value…and for the most part, we know that they work.
However, let’s be honest…we’re not in charge anymore. The Democrats control:
- The Presidency
- The Senate
- The House of Representatives
- The State Senate
- The State House
- The Governor’s Mansion
Now, we have some fantastic Republican office holders here in Dallas County at the local level, but as for the state and national government, it’s pretty much all about the Democrats.
During this year, my posts here at 1007 E. Grand will be analyzing several things:
- Legislation moving through Congress and the state House and Senate
- President Obama’s ideas and policies
- The re-branding of the Republican Party…and more.
2008 was a pretty rough year, all things considered. Let’s hope for a better 2009.